Today was bitter. Today was not my finest hour. I woke up in the early hours of the morning with a horrendous throat infection, but that doesn't mean the show can't go on.
I still cracked on with life - though it might've not been the most sensible of moves as I just crashed for a good two hours!
Hat - H&M // Cowl Neck Knit - Forever21 // Jeans - Topshop // Boots - New Look // Coat - Vintage Topshop // Wrist Cuff - Unknown vintage
I'm wearing everything from the high street, which I usually stray away from. I like online boutiques, such as ASOS Marketplace, Whitepepper and Vintage shops. But I needed a good pair of jeans that would keep me warm in the cold winters and these do the job, paired with the rest of my garb.
I wouldn't recommend the Knit though. As wonderful as the shape is, it's itchy and prickly (but I see that as a sacrifice for looking the way I want to look).
Until next time!
Belle x